Alumni News

UGRAD Experience was Really a Nirvana for Me: Mahina Sheikh

UGRAD Experience was Really a Nirvana for Me: Mahina Sheikh

Life has always been blessing for Mahina Sheikh but getting an opportunity to avail the Global UGRAD Exchange program in Spring 2022 was a cherry on the top. She was among the fortunate ones to go and live in St. Cloud, Minnesota, U.S. for one semester. Mahina learnt a lot from this UGRAD experience but the best among all the learning was relationships she built with the people she met. This also gave her the opportunity to explore and groom herself and the most important thing was the confidence she gained.

Belonging to a Pakistani family where females are always protected; even though it’s a good thing. But still, at times it also prevents us from gaining the experience and the confidence a girl should have. This experience allowed her to break these shackles as well and find her true raw self. “This experience was really a nirvana for me,” shard Mahina. It taught her a lot and allowed her to give back too, in many ways either as community service or by just being a true friend to those she shared this experience with. Coming back to Pakistan was itself a very heart-warming experience, where when she saw her people again, the nostalgia that hit was amazing. “I felt my neurons getting excited, and at the same the passion I felt to improve my society, my community, and my country was on totally a new level.” She started her NGO known as Khushaal Gharana so that she could give back to the country and to the world, which has given her so much. “I pray for the success and excellence of my country, which is my true desire.” Mahina.

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