The benefits of exchange programs have always been very promising and in relevance to this, today we are sharing the story of Fatima Sajid Jalwana who is our Global UGRAD Program alumna (Spring 2022). Coming home after a semester abroad can bring forward all sorts of emotions. But those emotions mean you’ve changed and have likely brought a lot of skills back with you. During her GLOBAL-UGRAD journey, Fatima successfully completed her community service hours with more than five different organizations at her institution Georgia College and State University. The best part of her community service was working for the cause and the betterment of the environment. “I was surprised to see that the people in the US work by themselves for their environment which is not so common in Pakistan. As in Pakistan, people think that cleaning the surrounding is the only responsibility of the government,” tells Fatima. During her exchange program, Fatima really loved working at different clean-up activities and now she wishes to start a society that will work for the environment and will make policies to counter climate changes. PUAN wishes her all the best for this project that addresses the need for time.
![The Transformative Power of Exchange Programs is Undeniable](×-628-px-800x500.png)