Alumni News Internship Program

PUAN Summer Internship Teaches Manal About Technological Advancements

PUAN Summer Internship Teaches Manal About Technological Advancements

Manal Khawar is PUAN’s Global Undergraduate Program 2019 alumna. She has recently completed her 3 month Virtual Summer Internship 20221 with us. “The internship with PUAN was an amazing experience for me both professionally and personally’ says Manal. As per Manal, her mentor not only set a series of tasks for her that enhanced her skills but also provided her with timely feedback to master them. ‘There were challenges due to the virtual element attached however, this internship program has helped us to get accustomed to this new normal and my mentor motivated me to explore technological applications to make the process easier” shared Manal.

We wish you best of luck Manal for your career.


Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) is an association of U.S. exchange alumni who are committed to making meaningful contributions to Pakistan and comprise of current and former Pakistani participants of U.S. federal government-sponsored exchange programs.

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