Alumni News Country Projects Karachi Chapter

PUAN Karachi Chapter Successfully Conducts Country Project

PUAN Karachi Chapter Successfully Conducts Country Project

STEAM education goes beyond traditional subjects. It gives a skill set that governs the way we think and behave. Merging science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, STEAM education helps us to solve the challenges the world faces today. PUAN Karachi Chapter in collaboration with KASBIT University, STEAM PRO recently organized a session under PUAN’s Country Project ‘Digital Skills for STEAM, Converting Challenges into Opportunities for COVID-19 and After’. The session was a one-day intensive training of emerging technologies focusing on digital skills, needs of STEAM Education, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence. The training was led by the YES Program Alumna, Miss. Warisha Atiq. More than 40 alumni from different Exchange Programs attended the session and understood the changing trends in education that integrate and follow the model of 21st-century skills.

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