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Project SMILE 2015: Awareness Seminar on Women Health and Child Education

Project SMILE 2015: Awareness Seminar on Women Health and Child Education
UGrad Alumnus Sarwan Kumar with students of Government Boys Primary School Parha Colony Mithi, after conducting an activity with them during the seminar

UGrad Alumnus Sarwan Kumar with students of Government Boys Primary School Parha Colony Mithi, after conducting an activity with them during the seminar

“Education is the only tool that can bring about a change and exchange programs boost the confidence of the students. I am proud that Sarwan Kumar who is from Tharparkar was selected for the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program and got an opportunity to study in the United States. He is a role model for us.”

These were the words of Aijaz Ali Babar, District Education Officer (DEO) Tharparkar while addressing an awareness seminar, “Women Health and Child Education” held at Government Boys Primary School Parha Colony Mithi, on 11th March 2015.

The seminar was organized by Global UGrad Alumnus Sarwan Kumar, facilitated by Skill Enhancing and Research Home of Children (SEARCH) organization and sponsored by the State Department. During the session, Babar also stressed that health and hygiene is the primary right of every individual.

UGrad Alumnus Sarwan Kumar conducting an activity with students of Government Boys Primary School Parha Colony Mithi, in which they are writing down the problems faced by the residents of Tharparkar

UGrad Alumnus Sarwan Kumar conducting an activity with students of Government Boys Primary School Parha Colony Mithi, in which they are writing down the problems faced by the residents of Tharparkar

Meanwhile, Executive Director of SEARCH organization Partab Shivani said that Thar has been suffering from drought for the last three years which has led to the death of thousands of children. He also asserted that without education or health it will be difficult to mitigate this problem.

Shivani also said that such awareness sessions are necessary in remote and under-privileged areas like Thar and also appreciated the efforts of the organizers.

Doctor Harchand Rai from Mithi’s Civil Hospital said about 90 percent of the population lives in the countryside out of an estimated 1.5 million inhabitants of Tharparkar. As a result of this, women don’t have access to proper health care centers and suffer heavily because of cultural restrictions imposed on them.

Rai also talked about abdominal diseases which have been spreading among the residents due to the polluted water that is available in the area.

Meanwhile, Express News Correspondent Sajid Bajeer stressed that there was a need to spread awareness among the masses and the seminar was a step in the right direction and should be replicated in the villages.

(From Left to Right) Sajid Bajeer (Express News Journalist), Partab Shivani (SEARCH Organization CEO), Aijaz Ali Babar (District Education Officer DEO Tharparkar), Sarwan Kumar (UGrad Alumnus) and father of one of the participating students after the seminar.

(From Left to Right) Sajid Bajeer (Express News Journalist), Partab Shivani (SEARCH Organization CEO), Aijaz Ali Babar (District Education Officer DEO Tharparkar), Sarwan Kumar (UGrad Alumnus) and father of one of the participating students after the seminar.

Lastly, UGrad Alumnus Sarwan Kumar also spoke on the occasion. He talked about his exchange experience and advised the students of the area to concentrate on their studies. He also thanked the guest speakers, SEARCH organization, school staff and the US State Department for helping him in arranging the seminar.


Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) is an association of U.S. exchange alumni who are committed to making meaningful contributions to Pakistan and comprise of current and former Pakistani participants of U.S. federal government-sponsored exchange programs.

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