Alumni in the Press Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day: Theater Performance Raises Awareness of Artists’ Rights

Photo of the Day: Theater Performance Raises Awareness of Artists’ Rights


A scene from “Chulbuk Chori,” an anti-piracy musical performanced by Thespianz theater group in Peshawar last week.  Almost 500 people attended the performance, including youth and civil society. The play highlights the importance of copyright protections for literature and the arts.  The brains behind the project: Faisal Malik, president of the Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) Karachi Chapter, alumnus of the Kennedy Center’s Summer Fellowship for International Arts Managers, and director of Thespianz Theater.  For more details about upcoming performances, follow Thespianz on Facebook at Check out some of the amazing news coverage this great project has received at the links below!

Express Tribune: “Grave and Groovy: Flash Mobs Dance to Send Anti-Piracy message” “A Genuine Play on Piracy”



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