Alumni News Chapter Activities Jamshoro Chapter

News Roundup

News Roundup

By Hira Nafees Shah

Fulbright Alumnus Designs University: Fulbright alumnus Saifullah Sami has designed the beautiful Habib University in Karachi, as principal architect at the construction firm Ahed Associates. The project is expected to be completed later this year, when classes will officially commence.

View of Habib University from the front designed by Fulbright Alumnus Saifullah Sami

View of Habib University from the front designed by Fulbright Alumnus Saifullah Sami

Sami and his team made sure that they designed the building keeping in mind the architectural challenges that they faced in Pakistan, such as height restrictions and noise from a nearby airport, open sewage drains and unrest in Karachi. The campus also boasts a purpose-built Cafeteria, Students’ Lounge, Gyms, swimming pool, outdoor sports fields, amphitheater and an auditorium.   

The alumnus’ project is of such outstanding quality that it has not only been recognized nationally but internationally as well. It is the first design from a Pakistani architecture firm to have won a Merit Award for Excellence in Planning from the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) based in Michigan- United States.

UGrad Alumnus completes course at Harvard University: Global UGrad Alumnus from Sukkur chapter Javed Ali Kalhoro completed a training program on Climate Engineering at Harvard University. He also took part in an interdisciplinary marine research group called ‘The Future Ocean’ at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (University of Kiel) in Germany.  Here’s a couple of photographs from his great experience!  

Javed Ali Kalhoro with other participants at the summer school “The Future Ocean’ on coastal hazards

Javed Ali Kalhoro with other participants at the summer school “The Future Ocean’ on coastal hazards

UGrad Alumnus Javed Ali Kalhoro with Harvard Professor David Kieth

UGrad Alumnus Javed Ali Kalhoro with Harvard Professor David Kieth

UGrad Alumnus selected as LADIESFUND International Fellow:

 Global UGrad Alumna Rabia Rafiq was selected as a LADIESFUND International Fellow by the Dawood Global Foundation at the Ladies Fund Women’s Awards for Pakistan. The fund has been set up to promote women entrepreneurship and to provide financial support to struggling females.

Rafiq was sponsored by the foundation for a World Business Dialogue held in March 2013 in Germany. At the event, the alumna learned about important alternative business models, was inspired by iconic business leaders and made friends from all over the world.  Now Rafiq and six other representatives from different countries have started a website called “Blog Down The Borders” ( to act as a bridge between their countries.

Project Smile: Volunteerism in Action:

Audience members at the event “Project Smile: Volunteerism in Action”

Audience members at the event “Project Smile: Volunteerism in Action”

Global UGrad Alumnus from KP/FATA chapter Javid Khan held an event called “Project Smile: Volunteerism in Action” on July 8th, 2013 in Bajaur Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. 

Javid Khan, UGrad Alumnus addressing the audience

Javid Khan, UGrad Alumnus addressing the audience

More than 300 people including teachers and students enthusiastically took part in the activity and learned how they could give back to their community. Debates, performances and skits were also arranged and a number of participants got themselves registered as potential volunteers at the end of the session.

PUAN Karachi organizes Interactive Media Workshop: 

Pakistan-U.S Alumni Network’s Karachi Chapter organized an Interactive media workshop on “Reading Films” at Lincoln Corner on Thursday, December 26, 2013. The facilitators for the event were Tasawar-ul Karim Baig (Hubert H. Humphrey alumnus) and Faisal Malik PUAN Karachi chapter president.

Participants and speakers at the media workshop organized by PUAN Karachi chapter

Participants and speakers at the media workshop organized by PUAN Karachi chapter

The objective of the session was to engage students who are interested in working in Pakistani media in the future. The workshop also shed light on how video storytelling can play a role in transforming the society by exposing its ills and bringing them to the attention of the authorities.

PUAN Jamshoro’s workshop on Career Counselling: 

Pakistan-U.S Alumni Network’s Jamshoro chapter (Hyderabad & Mirpurkhas Divisions) organized a one day workshop on “Career Counseling: Scholarships Abroad” at Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences in Hyderabad, on 16th January, 2014.

The session was presided over by Professor Dr. Bekharam, Director of Research at the university. PUAN Jamshoro’s chapter president Akbar Mahesar was the honorary guest at the occasion. More than a hundred people took part in the event which also included an opportunity for the students to ask questions about how they could gain higher education abroad.

Participants at the Career Counselling event organized by PUAN Jamshoro chapter

Participants at the Career Counselling event organized by PUAN Jamshoro chapter

Group Photograph from the event “Career Counseling: Scholarships Abroad”

Group Photograph from the event “Career Counseling: Scholarships Abroad”

IVLP Alumna nominated for a GR8 Women Award: International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) Alumna and renowned journalist Sidra Iqbal is the first Pakistani to be nominated for the Great Women Awards in Dubai. The awards have been organized for the past three years by the Indian Television Academy. Iqbal has been nominated for the journalism category. The ceremony will be a star studded event and prominent faces from the Indian film and television industry will be in attendance.

IVLP Alumna Sidra Iqbal first Pakistani to be nominated for the GR8 Women Awards in Dubai

IVLP Alumna Sidra Iqbal first Pakistani to be nominated for the GR8 Women Awards in Dubai

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