Alumni in the Press

Iowa Writers Program Alumnae Publish Op-Eds in International Press

Iowa Writers Program Alumnae Publish Op-Eds in International Press
Bina Shah

Bina Shah

Shandana Minhas

Shandana Minhas

Bina Shah, an alumna of the International Writing Program (IWP) at the University of Iowa, is now a contributing opinion writer for the international edition of The New York Times.  

She wrote the op-ed “Did Malala Teach Us Anything?” in the Oct. 17 issue.  The article highlighted the plight of women and girls in Pakistan.

Shandana Minhas, a current participant in the International Writing Program writes about how Pakistan’s political landscape influences her writing in the op-ed “Politics and Prose,” published Oct. 25 by The News.  The piece was originally presented as a paper for the 2013 Iowa City Book Festival.

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