Alumni News Baltistan Chapter Country Projects Gilgit Chapter

GB Chapter Successfully Conducts PUAN’s Country Project

GB Chapter Successfully Conducts PUAN’s Country Project

STEAM education has gained popularity during the corona pandemic to meet the demands of a technologically dependent society. Therefore, keeping in mind the importance of STEAM in education, the Gilgit Baltistan Chapter in collaboration with Karakoram International University (KIU), Gilgit organized an interactive session under PUAN’s Country Project ‘Digital Skills for STEAM, Converting Challenges into Opportunities for COVID-19 and After’. KIU students and PUAN alumni attended the session.

The session had two interesting discussion panels. The first panel was moderated by our UGRAD alumna Roohani Barkat,. The panel had different public and private sector representatives who shed light on how covid-19 pandemic has changed the world. The representatives discussed the measures they have taken to strengthen the working class especially employees, colleagues, and students. They also briefed about the skills and data sets the students need in today’s era for the equitable development of their digital skills to have a tech-filled future.

The second panel was moderated by Adnan Aziz, our UGRAD Alumnus. The panel comprised some Gilgit-based business owners. They highlighted the digital skills they learned and then told the audience how they utilized them to flourish their business during and post Covid. PUAN and KIU alumni shared their success stories that how learning digital skills helped them launch new businesses and uplift the existing ones. They received great feedback from the audience and the university management for executing an informative session. The event concluded with a shield distribution ceremony among the guest speakers, volunteers, and KIU facilitators.

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