Alumni News Chapter Activities North AJK Chapter South AJK Chapter

Alumni from Northern Areas Celebrate World Press Freedom Day

Alumni from Northern Areas Celebrate World Press Freedom Day

AJK (3) press freedom alums

In recognition of World Press Freedom day, the Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) Chapter conducted training workshop of 20 young journalists of the Mirpur District on May 3. Twenty local young journalists learned practical skills for developing ethical and responsible stories for media outlets.  Saqib Javed, an IVLP alumnus and a social activist facilitated the session.

In Gilgit Baltistan (GB), alumni collaborated with the Baltistan Electronic Media Reports Association to hold a joint solidarity event in Skardu that called for the protection of media and journalism professionals in the country.  Local journalists and representatives of civil society organizations participated in the dialogue in commemoration of World Press Freedom Day. Speakers called for more training opportunities for media professionals.  Taqi Akhunzada, ICFJ alumnus and correspondent The News, facilitated the event.

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