Alumni News South AJK Chapter

“Access Program Completely Changed My Life”

“Access Program Completely Changed My Life”

Farhan Ahmed is our alumnus of the English Access Microscholarship Program (2015-2017) from the South Punjab Chapter. He belongs to a family where education is not given due importance and is considered as the source of earning money only therefore, everyone is inclined towards launching his business instead of doing any job. Farhan has the same mindset until he qualified for this Access program. “I had the same thinking, but Access was the platform that changed my mind,” shared Farhan.

He was an introverted boy with a lack of knowledge about everything. He still remembers during access classes, one of his teachers asked him that from which university he wanted to pursue his bachelor’s degree. At that time he only knew about one university. But the Access program was the platform that gave him opportunities to explore different things. He learned that success is not about earning a 6-digit salary or having a brand-new car. It’s about your inner peace which let you do different things and feel happy. “Access program taught us about believing in ourselves. And now, I’ve believed in myself that whatever I’m doing right now is what I wanted to do.”

Currently, he is studying bachelor’s in business administration not for a job but for a successful future. “To do what my heart says to me, I started graphic designing a few months ago and I sell different products online as well. I’m studying business as I want to do business. Access helped me in improving my communication skills and it is important for me as good communication is important in business. Access totally changed my life.” Farhan Ahmed

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