10 alumni from 3 South-Asian countries recently met for 15th monthly virtual dialogue to talk about ‘Role of Civil Society in Countering Gender based Violence (GBV) – from Challenges to Solutions. These monthly dialogues have been initiated by Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) in partnership with U.S. Embassy Pakistan and U.S. Missions at Bangladesh & Nepal. While speaking to the participants, Farah Chery-Medor, Country Cultural Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy, Islamabad appreciated PUAN’s role in bringing regional alumni together for finding solutions of shared problems. The alumni participated in the talk with zeal & zest and discussed at the length the regional perspectives on the subject matter. The group also shared the respective examples of successful initiatives whose replication can help in lowering in prevalence rates of GBV in the region. How about hitting the play button to find out what our amazing panel had got to share?