
Lahore Reunion celebrates Alumni Engagement in Punjab

Lahore Reunion celebrates Alumni Engagement in Punjab
Participants of PUAN Lahore Alumni Reunion

Participants of PUAN Lahore Alumni Reunion

More than one hundred and fifty Lahori alumni gathered for the annual reunion of their chapter to celebrate the success of the alumni-led programs in the past year.

In addition to performances by alumni, the event also included a “Peecha Kucha” presentation of slides featuring the variety of community service projects completed by alumni during the year.

Awards were also distributed to recognize how these programs have targeted mission goals of the Pakistan-U.S Alumni Network and have made a difference for people hailing from underserved communities.

Management Officer Catherine McSherry presented “Emerging Leaders” awards to young exchange program participants who worked tirelessly in the past two years to support alumni engagement in Punjab. They bravely dealt with the challenge of harassment and continued the journey of assisting alumni network to conduct successful programs with transgender communities, disabled persons and children of sex workers among others.

Public Affairs Officer Rachael Chen connected with the audience via Skype, and thanked the alumni for their valuable contributions to Mission Pakistan.

To check out more photographs from the event, visit:




Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) is an association of U.S. exchange alumni who are committed to making meaningful contributions to Pakistan and comprise of current and former Pakistani participants of U.S. federal government-sponsored exchange programs.

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