First Person

First Person: My English Language Learning Experience

First Person: My English Language Learning Experience

Check out this great first person story by an alumnus of U.S. Embassy Islamabad’s English Access Microscholarship Program. The scholarship provides English language skills to 14-18 year old students through afterschool classes and summer learning activities. Students gain an appreciation for American culture and democratic values, and increase their ability to participate in Pakistan’s socio-economic development–and future U.S. exchange and study programs. Pakistan has the largest Access program in the world with more than 5,000 students in 18 locations across the country! To learn more, check out Muhammad Sohail’s story below, or visit

Sohail Solangi

First Person: My English Language Learning Experience
By Sohail Solangi
SCHL Access Center, Karachi

My name is Muhammad Sohail I am an Access Student. I am going to share my experience in Access.

Before Access I was unaware of English Language. I had knowledge about grammar but I didn’t have speaking power, I did not have any vocabulary, I did not have confidence, even I could not speak with any person, I did not have correct concepts about any thing and I had hesitations in speaking English. I did not have any speaking, writing and reading skills, so I was feeling lots of problems in English.

However, after joining Access, my life suddenly changed, and I got each and every thing which I always needed. Like confidence, pronunciation, reading, writing, and speaking power. I felt a great change in myself.

Now I can speak with everybody. I can talk to my friends; I can communicate with my teachers in English which means that I can speak with everyone.

We gain confidence by giving presentations in the class and at school, we also do so many interesting activities, we enjoy each and every moment of our class. We learn new things every day. Now I can say with open heart that I can speak with everyone. Even I can deliver a speech in front of hundred people, because of Access and Access Teachers.

Teachers are very friendly with everyone they can feel feelings, of every student they have great knowledge, and they have every skill of teaching, they know how to teach students, how they can match them interest in their study. It means that they have each and every thing which is required for a good teacher, and I have never seen such type of teachers in my life. I will get so many opportunities from Access in my future, and I will miss Access a lot. It was a program which changed my life.


Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) is an association of U.S. exchange alumni who are committed to making meaningful contributions to Pakistan and comprise of current and former Pakistani participants of U.S. federal government-sponsored exchange programs.

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