First Person The Alumni Corner

Taking the GRE Smartly

Taking the GRE Smartly
By Amna Sabahat. “Don’t give up unless you have put all your efforts in it!” Well, the fact that you opened this post about GRE ensures that there is a will at least!  And all you have to do is find a way to do it well.  Trust me, we all ...
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First Person The Alumni Corner

Alumni Corner: My First Days….My First Impression

Alumni Corner: My First Days….My First Impression
  By Mohsin Shah. Only dreamers can feel the joy when their dreams come true. When our plane touched the Dulles International Airport, Washington D.C. after a tiresome twenty hours flight, only I knew what I felt and what it meant for me. My heart was filled with such elation ...
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Alumni News The Alumni Corner

Alumni Corner: Waseem Qureshi Writes About his Exchange Experience

Alumni Corner: Waseem Qureshi Writes About his Exchange Experience
Waseem Qureshi, alumnus of the Legislative Fellowship Program (LFP), writes about his exchange experience in the U.S, detailing the legislative exposure and cultural exchange.  This article was originally published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt, Lahore.
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First Person The Alumni Corner

Independance Day 2015 at U.S.A

Independance Day 2015 at U.S.A
By Musaib Alavi. Life brings tears, smiles and memories. The tears dry, the smiles fade but the memories last forever. Going back through the time of being an exchange student at U.S.A always bring great memories to my mind. The joy, the laughter and moreover the experience of bridging the ...
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First Person The Alumni Corner

Shattering Myths about Partition

Shattering Myths about Partition
By Safeerullah Khan, IVLP alumnus. Many myths about ‘Independence’ or partition were shattered. I had the honor of being part of a wonderful projectVoices of Partition’ (VoP) – a project of Theatre Wallay (TW) funded and supported by many institutions and individuals including US Embassy in Islamabad, USEFP, Fulbright Commission, ...
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