Pakistani exchange students come from diverse backgrounds and have all kinds of riveting stories to tell. Particularly inspirational is the tale of Ahsan Javaid, a Community College Initiative Program (CCIP) participant who was diagnosed with Leukemia at the tender age of 11. Despite having to battle cancer for a significant ...
By Hira Nafees Shah 18-year-old Abdullah Nasir stood in front of the teacher with bated breath. Although he had memorized his speech, words failed him when he noticed the eyes of his professor and class fellows on him. The fear of public speaking is a common affliction, but Nasir overcame ...
By Hira Nafees Shah College student Mohammad Kashif woke up at seven o’clock each morning during his summer vacation. Being from the Hyderabad area of Hunza, he spent over one-and-a-half hours traveling to Karimabad each day. Kashif embraced the long ride and gladly gave up extra sleep to pursue his ...
By Hira Nafees Shah On a hot and humid afternoon in July, about 30 female activists set up a medical camp with a volunteer doctor in a local high school. The women went door-to-door encouraging others to visit the camp, which was free of cost. Though medical camps like this ...
By Hira Nafees Shah When Asif Salam went on his Global UGrad exchange experience, he encountered a novel idea for the first time —community service. Organized volunteer opportunities in Salam’s home district of Lakki Marwat in Khyber Pakhtunhkwa, were too far and few between to enable him to truly make ...
By Hira Nafees Shah Shakeela Begum’s daughter had not even been born when her husband left the world. What followed were 10 years of incredible hardship, as she was forced to work as a maid in people’s homes to provide for herself and her young children. Help finally arrived for ...
By Hira Nafees Shah What do a Muslim fencer, a Muslim top-chef; a Muslim weight-lifter and a Muslim standup comedian all have in common apart from their religion? They are all Pakistani-American women who have made great achievements in male-dominated professions—and whose riveting stories of personal triumph are documented in ...
By Hira Nafees Shah In a beautiful house in Defense Lahore, a kettle is whistling and an oven is working at its maximum capacity. As with most modern Pakistani houses, one would expect the oven to churn out cakes or brownies. But when the lid is raised, an unusual delicacy ...